Healthy Home, Healthy Family Book
Nicole is a passionate advocate for environmental medicine, and her willingness to share this amazing information makes Healthy Home Healthy Family an invaluable resource, and a must read for anyone wanting to protect themselves and their families from environmental toxins.
Nicole is currently in the 4th revision of this book and stocks of thie 3rd edition are available only via PDF. The release of the 4th edition is due April 2025.
Healthy Home Healthy Family is a compilation of more than fifteen years of research. When you dive into its pages, you will discover how your home and work environment may be impacting on your health and, most importantly, what you can do about it!
Nicole Bijlsma is a woman of integrity, and her passion lies in environmental medicine, following her Naturopathic career. She is a crusader for uncovering the many hidden environmental factors that are challenging our health. Often referred to as Australia's Erin Brockovich, she an inspiring and beautiful soul wishing to create a real difference in our toxic world!
Over the past thirty years, new diagnoses of cancer have almost tripled in Australia, hospital admissions for life-threatening allergic reactions have increased four-fold, breast cancer has doubled, male sperm count has halved, the age of puberty is declining, and learning and behavioural disorders in children have skyrocketed.
Read how Nicole reveals the links that most chronic diseases have with health hazards in the built environment from electromagnetic fields and toxicants in drinking water, building materials and everyday products, to allergens in a water-damagaed building and shows you the key principles to creating a healthy home.
Nicole is one of Australia’s leading Building Biologists and Naturopaths. She is well researched, knowledgable, practical and a no nonsense expert whose passion for spreading the word on this vital topic is inspiring!
It includes FREE checklists to assess your home. In this book, you will learn:
• Why our children are today's guinea pigs
• How to build a healthy home
• Why your house is the biggest threat to a healthy pregnancy
• How to create a low allergy home
• How to reduce your exposure to electromagnetic fields
• Why plastics should not be used to store your food and beverages in
• How to choose a low radiation mobile phone
• How to choose an asthma friendly vacuum cleaner
• How to effectively kill dust mites and mould
• Why most countries DON’T fluoridate their water supply
• Why you should never use hot water out of the tap for drinking or cooking
• Which water filter to buy if you consume tap, tank or bore water
• How to effectively clean your home without the need for conventional chemicals
• Wireless internet, its impact on your health - the concerns raised by progressive countries
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